Published on September 26th, 2013 | by dc


Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder In Adults

Many adults suffer with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and have no idea. It is not just a problem with kids. Many children go undiagnosed every year and they grow up to be adults. The difficulty does not go away and it can manifest itself in many kinds of negative ways.

Most grownups with ADHD simply think that they endure a hyperactive childhood and eventually grow out of it. This is not usually the case, as the symptoms may become more subtle and difficult to notice with maturity. Yet, there are ways to tell if you may have this problem.

Adults with ADHD are very fidgety and it is difficult to sit still. They feel more comfortable when they are up and moving about. ADHD adults may be more impulsive than others and are likely to take risks and chances on things that are common to teenagers.

If you sit down to read and find that you simply can never stay focused long enough to get through a chapter, you may have ADHD. Many people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are known to start a lot of projects, but they hardly ever finish them. They also tend to more messy and disorganized than most adults.

People with ADHD often perform poorly at work. It may appear that they have an attitude problem when in reality they have difficulty focusing and following directions. As a result, these kinds of people may drift from one job to another. The sad thing is, no one may have any idea that they are suffering from a learning disability.

One cannot take a blood test or a written exam to determine ADHD. However, it is possible with testing and comparing your childhood history of learning. Perhaps the best tool for determining adult ADHD is the Utah Criteria.

The Utah Criteria identifies six common elements for ADHD. Besides the six elements one must also be hyperactive and suffer from attention difficulties. The six Utah Criteria include mood swings and the tendency to overreact to situations. Messiness and disorganization are also determining factors. Impulsiveness and relationship difficulties are part of the equation. Relationship problems usually extend far from the home to work and social interactions.

Most medications for ADHD are usually given to children but may be used for adults. Many of these drugs are stimulants that have a calming effect on the hyperactive patient. It is important to see a doctor for evaluation as these medications cannot be purchased without a legal prescription.

ADHD may have a genetic factor and can run in families. If you think that your children may also have this problem, now is the time to get help. It can make a huge difference in their school performance, and their personal relationships.

There is no known cure for ADHD but knowing about it can be an important step in the right direction. Adults can find help with counseling and some kinds of medication. Since it may run in families, it is important to get assistance for kids that may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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