Sexual std

Published on December 13th, 2012 | by AJ


What Herpes Is And How You Can Prevent Its Transmission

Herpes is a virus that can be passed from person to person through physical contact. There are two major strains of this virus; Herpes Simplex 1 and 2. The first of these is specific to the mouth and causes lesions on the lips, tongue and even throat, while the other primarily affects the genitals.

This virus causes painful blisters to develop on the mouth, vagina, penis, anus and other areas of the skin. The blisters then rupture and form itchy lesions that can take several days or weeks to heal. Keeping the area dry, clean and abstaining from scratching will keep the blisters from spreading to other areas of the body or to other individuals.

Most people are prone to developing cold sores when they are extremely ill or stress out. These are examples of the Simplex 1 virus and until recently, were not thought capable of being passed to the genitals through oral contact. Now, however, it is both documented and known that practicing oral sex or mouth to anal sex while a cold sore or lesion is present on the mouth, could lead to the development of genital lesions as well.

Those who have this virus are not always prone to having symptoms. When no outbreak is visible, the virus can be virtually undetectable apart from any moderate signs of scarring from past outbreaks. Thus, it is not always possible to visually diagnose this issue, whether as a health care professional or as a prospective partner.

It is best to always use protection even when engaging in activity with a presumably healthy partner. Being careful to always protect yourself will help you to avoid a number of sexually transmitted illnesses, many of which can be far more detrimental to a person’s long-term health than can recurring lesions. It is also important to note that the Simplex 2 virus can affect different body areas, aside from the genitals and can have a major impact on the sufferer’s overall sense of well-being. This illness can go beyond far more than causing breakouts of painful, itchy blisters.

Keeping a physical barrier between yourself and your sexual partner is one of the best ways to avoid this illness, as is sexual abstinence. Acceptable physical barriers include condoms and dental dams. These should be used diligently and at all times, even when no lesions are present.

A person who suspects that he or she has been infected with this virus can look for signs of lesions, however, there are also flu-like symptoms that can accompany an initial outbreak. These include a fever, chills, muscle soreness and other flu-like symptoms. This may last for one or more weeks and then be followed by the first outbreak of blisters.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for herpes, however, people can practice good self care to boost the immune system. With a robust immune system the body will become more adept in keeping breakouts at bay. All person who are infected with this virus should make a full disclosure to their sexual partners so that these individuals can take measures to protect their health and interests. Counseling and other services are available so that people can learn how to reenter the dating arena, fully prepared to greet their new partners with honesty about their illness.

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